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Snow and Ice Plan

These are the measures we put in place to ensure the safety of staff and pupils. Where possible, we aim to keep the school open in icy/snow conditions.

Measures to support this include:

  • gritting of main areas into the school and the playground;
  • regular assessments of the safety of playground areas etc. so that areas can be closed/cordoned off if necessary;
  • closure of routes on to the school site which are potentially hazardous;
  • in snowy conditions, the site team's priority will be to clear a path from the top gate across the main playground and into the hall;
  • close monitoring of weather forecasts;
  • adjustments, if needed, to school uniform to ensure appropriate footwear is worn and warm clothing;
  • adjustments to the start time of the day to allow for the site team to take necessary actions to make the site safe.

    The decision to close the school is not taken lightly, but may be made in the following circumstances:

  • when it is deemed unsafe for pupils/staff to access the school site (after a heavy overnight fall of snow, time may be needed to clear access routes and make the site safe);
  • if there is a failure with the school heating;
  • when there are likely to be significant difficulties for pupils to make their way safely to and from the school due to local road conditions;
  • when there are likely to be significant difficulties for an adequate number of staff to travel safely to and from school due to road conditions.


We will aim to communicate any decisions regarding school disruption with as much notice as possible. Notification of school closure will be made using Marvellous Me and through local radio stations. Hampshire County Council’s website also publishes an up-to-date list of school closures.