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Privacy Notice

This summary is to help you understand how and why we collect personal information and what we do with that information. It is intended to provide information about how we will use (or process) personal information about pupils, parents, carers and their guardians.  This information is produced in accordance with the rights of individuals under the Data Protection Law. You are encouraged to read the full Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers and understand our obligations to you. A copy can be requested from the school office or found on the GDPR page. 

Information is collected by the school via our forms on the website, via the telephone, paper form or documents that are completed online. Anyone who works for, or acts on behalf of the school are made aware of and should comply with our Privacy Notice and our data protection procedures.  

What is personal information?

Personal information is the information that the school collects about you and your child. This includes data such as name, date of birth, address as well as information such as medical details and behaviour records. The school may also record religion and ethnic group. CCTV, photos and video recordings are also personal information. 

Why does the school collect personal information?

Our primary reasons for using personal information is to provide education services. We therefore have a legitimate interest for processing basic personal information and sensitive information. We will hold the minimum that is required to form and maintain the contact between us. 

We may ask for your consent to share your information in certain ways. You can take back this consent at any time. Any use of your information before you withdraw your consent remains valid. 

How long do we keep personal information?

We will keep all personal information securely in accordance with the Hampshire Schools Retention Schedule. If you have any questions about how our retention policy is applied or wish to request that personal information that you no longer believe to be relevant is considered for erasure, please contact the school office. 

What decisions can you make about your information?

If we are relying on your consent as a means to process personal information, you may withdraw that consent at any time. You can also ask us to correct information that is incorrect. You may ask what information we hold about you and be provided with a copy.

How do I make a complaint?

The Data Protection Office at Hart Plain Junior School and the Headteacher are responsible for managing how we look after personal information and deciding how it is shared. Like other organisations, we need to keep your information safe, up to date, only use it for what we said we would, destroy it when we not longer need it and more importantly, treat the information we get fairly. 

If you believe that we have not complied with this policy or acted otherwise than in accordance with Data Protection Law, you can make a referral to or lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The ICO recommends that steps are taken to resolve the matter with the school before involving the regulator. 

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact:

Data Protection Officer: Katie Wedderburn


Telephone: 02392 263200