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School Uniform

Pupils who attend Hart Plain Junior School are proud to belong to the school and should wish to be identified with us by wearing the school uniform. The co-operation of parents in ensuring a full and correct maintenance of the uniform is requested. School jumpers are available from the office.

Our uniform is not gender-specific. 

Uniform Expectations 

  • Plain black trousers or skirt (not jeans, cords or track suit style trousers and no decoration)
  • Smart plain white shirt/blouse or white polo shirt
  • Jade school sweatshirt with school logo (available from the school office)
  • Black shoes (no logos or branding) 
  • White, black or grey socks

Summer Alternatives:  

  • Black tailored shorts or jade gingham dress  (as an optional alternative to trousers or a skirt)



P. E. Kit

County regulations dictate that for gymnastic and movement lessons in the school hall children must be barefoot, even if they have cuts, blisters or a verruca. If these are split and or painful they could be covered with a sticking plaster. Trainers or  plimsolls should be worn for outdoor games.

Earrings must either be removed or covered with tape. Tape must be brought in from home.

  • School Polo PE Shirt (First one will be provided by the school) 
  • Black shorts or joggers
  • Black, white or grey socks
  • School jumper 

All children have assigned PE days and should wear their PE kit in to school on these days.